Small Steps
Today when the alarm went off (at 5:15), the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed and do my walk/run through the neighborhood.
It was cold
It was dark
I could do it later...
The idea of getting up, dressed and out seemed insurmountable.
But I did it.
And I did it by not focusing on the whole journey but rather breaking it down ...
first, I focused on just getting up, then it was let’s get dressed, now that your dressed let’s just do a quick walk to the park ... and then I was off and doing fine. I must not focus on the entire trip, but rather take it one step at a time.
Right now, with all the chaos, change and distractions - getting going can be hard. And it can be the LAST thing you may want to do. But you must...
As you go into the week, do not focus on the whole week, break things down:
If your goal is to make 50 calls, focus on just the ones to do today
If you want to exercise more, focus on the workout planned just for today
If by the end of the year you want to close 40 deals - focus on the ones you have right now
When things get insurmountable, they begin to shut plus down. This week practice both kindness to yourself and the art of focusing on the now. Everything doesn’t have to happen today - so use today for what you need it for
Just one step at a time and you will be on your way ...