In Search of Diamonds
In Arkansas you can find Crater of Diamonds State Park. Here, for a fee, anyone can go in search of diamonds. No one is “promised” they...
Lightening Strikes
I can be difficult to focus and concentrate during a thunderstorm. The rain hitting the window, the clash of the lightening – it can all...
Let's go Tubing
Have you ever gone snow tubing? It can be so much fun...once you get going that is. The walk to the top of the hill is not so fun. It...
LGIM: By a Nose
n a horse race, when the horse “wins by a nose” it still wins, and that win is celebrated. In life, however, we don’t give ourselves that...
LGIM: Got Air?
While in my car, I received the notice that my tires were low on pressure and needed air. After putting air in the tires ( ok it wan my...
Is 60% Enough?
In order for an airplane to get off the ground it requires energy. In fact it takes roughly 60% thrust to get it up in the air. Many of...
Are you Wound Up?
You may be familiar with the Grandfather Clock. They keep great time and do not need to be wound daily. In fact many can go an entire...
Watch out for Curve Balls
In baseball, the pitcher can decide which type ball to throw - fast, slow, curve - and the batter has to be ready. They do not know what...
Embrace the Resistance
Nothing great comes without resistance. to fly, and airplane needs the resistance from the air to create, Walt Disney needed the...
Do you need a Check Up?
We all know that when people are confused, they do not move forward. In Ninja, we use a process of asking diagnostic questions to help...