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Do you need a Check Up?

We all know that when people are confused, they do not move forward. In Ninja, we use a process of asking diagnostic questions to help bring clarity to our clients…. Afterall, once they are clear they can make better decisions and take action. The questions are these:

Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?

In life, we get stuck sometimes too. Why not try to bring yourself some clarity and ask the same questions to help unlock your action?

Who? Who do I need anyone else to help me achieve my goals? And Assistant? Do I need help from leadership? A mentor? Other…. Determine who you need on your team to help you achieve your goals. You do not need to do it alone?

What? What is your “product”. For most of us – WE are the product so get clear on what you are offering and why that can help your client. How are you unique? What skills/talents do you have that can help them?

When? What is your time frame for accomplishing goals? Take larger goals and pair them down. Have monthy/weekly/daily goals so you can see progress daily.

Where? Where will you focus your time? Who is your target audience? You do not need to do everything nor do you need to work with everybody. Get clear on where your focus needs to go. What we focus on expands.

Why? What is your ‘real’ goal or purpose? It is not to just sell something. Is it financial freedom? Leaving a legacy? Becoming and expert in your field? Know you WHY as that will help you in the other areas and also get you excited about pushing forward toward your goals.

How? How will you accomplish your goals? Do you need to do more face time appointments? Mailings? Social media? There is no right or wrong answer – you just have to get clear and how you will approach your business. Everything works – nothing doesn’t.

This week check up on yourself. Get clear on where you are and where you want to go. Once you are clear you will be unstoppable!

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