I don't want to...
So watching a video with Mel Robbins, she made a comment - if we only did the things we didn't want to do, we would have everything we want.
and she is right....
We are ( most likely) never going to want to make our calls, work out, prospect, clean.... all those things are not "fun" - but we have to do them!
We have to do these because the results we really want, in both life and business, are dependent on these things getting done.
Yes I know that stinks - but its the truth. And you know what, I don't really want to do all these things either. But I want the results.
So this week, lets commit together to do those things we don't want to do. Lets just suck it up and, as Nike says: JUST DO IT! I bet we will all find amazing results on the other side. Who's With Me??????