I Love You
I love you - these are words we often say, or sometimes can be hard to say, to another. However we know that when we say them, they can be powerful.
But how often do we say it to ourselves?
You see, most of us are so focused on others and showing others love, but we forget to show it to ourselves. It can be a challenge because yes we need to serve others and show love for them, at the same time we can serve at our greatest level only when we have love and kindness for ourselves first. Think about it.... if you don't take care of yourself, if you don't love yourself - how will others?
This week I challenge you to show love and kindness to yourself. Each day take a moment to focus on something you love about yourself, something special that makes you YOU. Maybe you:
are a great listener
are compassionate
have great follow through
provide excellent service
are funny
Weather in work or personal life, we each have special gifts that are authentic to us and allow us to show value to others. This week take some time to celebrate YOU, and as you do others will join the celebration.