Do you need CPR?
My friend and fellow Ninja, Erik Zimmerman shared that one of the keys to success is to do CPR - Consistency, Persistence and Resilience....
Keep Flowing
Challenges happen. When we face pain and obstacles in our life and business, we lose our confidence in ourselves, feel hurt and...
Star Light, Star Bright
On a clear night I love to look up at the starts. I always marvel in their beauty and fascinated as to how many there are, they light up...
What's in YOUR cauldron?
When you read fairy tales, they are filled with enchanted forests and witches. Often the witches are seen over a boiling cauldron mixing...
Keep Tunneling
It is hard to build a tunnel through a mountain. AND it has been done. It is not impossible . It requires planning, engineering, a lot...
Let go of the Bike Seat
Remember when you learned to ride a bike? It was so hard and scary. You had to learn to balance and know the right speed to pedal to keep...
LGIM: You Only Live Once....
I saw a quote the other day, You only Live Once. No - you only die once, you LIVE every day. As I meet people I find that most are jus...
Build a Nest
When a bird prepares its nest to lay its eggs, it sets out to gather twigs, straws and other bits from all over. It prepares the nest...
Be a Palm Tree
I love palm trees. I think they are beautiful and love to watch them sway in the breeze. During times of hurricanes and storms, many palm...
Diamond in the Making
Diamonds are beautiful but people forget that the process of creating a diamond is long and arduous. It takes years. Years of pressure,...