Be a Loser
As we go through life, we tell ourselves we have to "win". We don't want to be a Loser. But in reality - the only way to win, is to...
Focus on the GOOD Stuff
A self-fulfilling prophecy can occur when you believe that somethings will go wrong so strongly that you actually open the doors for...
Go Slow
We have all heard the saying “good things take time”. So why is it that we try to rush things? When it comes to success, we want it so...
I think I CAN
Remember the story of the Little Engine that Could? How he kept fighting and never gave up. even when he himself questioned his ability...
Star Light, Star Bright
On a clear night I love to look up at the starts. I always marvel in their beauty and fascinated as to how many there are, they light up...
LGIM: You Only Live Once....
I saw a quote the other day, You only Live Once. No - you only die once, you LIVE every day. As I meet people I find that most are jus...
Be a Palm Tree
I love palm trees. I think they are beautiful and love to watch them sway in the breeze. During times of hurricanes and storms, many palm...
Diamond in the Making
Diamonds are beautiful but people forget that the process of creating a diamond is long and arduous. It takes years. Years of pressure,...
I Give Up!!!
Do you ever just want to give up? To throw in the towel and run away to a deserted island or just sell sunglasses on a beach someplace?...
Success is in the Struggle
When teaching Ninja Selling, I share the story of the butterfly - how when a butterfly emerges, the transformation is hard. It is...