Catch a Wave
Laird Hamilton is a world-famous surfer of the BIG waves.... you know the ones that are HUGE and scary and that basically no one else...
Anchors Away
When a boat is in the harbor and wants to stay safe it drips its anchor. This helps to insure it doesn’t float away or move into unsafe...
I think I CAN
Remember the story of the Little Engine that Could? How he kept fighting and never gave up. even when he himself questioned his ability...
Learn to Soar
When a baby bird is learning to fly it has no safety net. So, to protect itself, it begins by taking small hops so it can learn how to...
So often we focus on tomorrow. We say and hear things like... There's always tomorrow or Tomorrows only a day away The fact is today is...
Do you need CPR?
My friend and fellow Ninja, Erik Zimmerman shared that one of the keys to success is to do CPR - Consistency, Persistence and Resilience....
Keep Flowing
Challenges happen. When we face pain and obstacles in our life and business, we lose our confidence in ourselves, feel hurt and...
Star Light, Star Bright
On a clear night I love to look up at the starts. I always marvel in their beauty and fascinated as to how many there are, they light up...
Let go of the Bike Seat
Remember when you learned to ride a bike? It was so hard and scary. You had to learn to balance and know the right speed to pedal to keep...
Build a Nest
When a bird prepares its nest to lay its eggs, it sets out to gather twigs, straws and other bits from all over. It prepares the nest...