I heard a story of a young girl who was afraid to go away to college. She was from a small town and the idea of living far from her...
Detour Ahead
Sometimes when we drive we get distracted and miss our turn or exit. This causes us frustration and sometimes anger. However within a...
Who are you Bumping into
Thinking about nature i noticed something funny.....I’ve never seen two birds run into each other when they are flying in a flock. Why is...
Let Go
As I was out walking today I found myself looking at the beauty of fall with all the colors in the trees as the leaves change and fall....
Who is Better????
In nature there are many different types of trees. Who is to say one is better than another? Who gets to say that the bamboo is more...
Bye Bye Birdie
Often when I am out for my walk, I look into the sky and see the birds flying past me. As I watch them, they appear majestic and...
Cut Your Hair!
Do you remember the fairy tale of Rapunzel? She had long flowing, magical hair that was desired by the evil enemy - afterall all fairy...
In Australia, you can find a tiny, cute animal called a Quokka scurrying through the trees…and stopping to take selfies with humans if...
The other side of the Wall
There was a young woman who took great pride in the growth and care of the flowers in her flower garden. She had been raised by her...
Off to the Races
Race Horses are amazing. In fact several of the most famous ones won when others just about gave up hope on them. The horse would run...